The USPS is Rolling Back Prices This Spring

At the end of February, the United States Postal Service announced that the exigent rate case that was passed in 2014 has expired. What that means is that postage rates will decrease approximately 4% for first class rate category mailings beginning in April. The USPS is referring to this savings as 2016 Spring Rollback Pricing.

Policy Document Output Should be a Top 3 Strategic Initiative

P&C insurance executives are facing a deluge of strategic initiatives today. Premium growth, achieving retention goals, new products, efficient claims management, IT infrastructure investments. The list is endless. Faster, better, more efficiently are the key words driving unprecedented changes in how insurance companies improve performance and drive results.

Most likely, print and mail operations with an integrated solution for opt-in paperless policyholder access did not make the executive strategic initiative list. Our question is WHY?